Tuesday, January 26, 2010

West Sound Wildlife Shelter

Meet Athena, a barred owl and Mike Pratt the director of wildlife services at the West Sound Wildlife Shelter (WSWS).  We met them on a rainy Sunday at the Bloedel Reserve where Mike told us about the wildlife shelter and answered lots of questions about owls.

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Did you know that owls mate for life?  That baby owls spend about a week learning how to fly and during that time are unprotected and vulnerable on the ground?  Athena, on what is thought to be her inaugural flight flew into the path of a car.  Her wing is badly damaged and she’ll never fly again.  She now serves as one of the shelter’s ambassadors.

West Sound Wildlife Shelter cared for nearly 800 wild animals last year.  The focus is on rehabilitation and their goal is that every single animal be returned to their natural habitat. 

The shelter’s website is wonderful with lots of baby animal pics and info.   I spent a happy interlude there last night reading patient stories with Little E.  WSWS is currently caring for three young bald eagles and a mature female that was shot.

By the way; you no longer need a reservation to visit the Bloedel Reserve and the paths and vistas hold a special magic on rainy days so don’t wait for summer.

The ponds are especially mesmerizing.  (Tried to insert a rainy day video here but it didn’t work. You’ll just have to imagine the tinkly sound rain makes on the ponds.) 

The camellias are blooming, can spring be far behind?


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1 comment:

sandraj said...

We need to watch the weather,We will have to plan a day at the Bloedel Reserve