Some people know how to throw a party. Saturday night was one of those fine example where friendship, family love and food unite. My dear friend celebrated her birthday like I imagine Julia Child would have wanted to celebrate one of hers with good food, fine drink surrounded by friends.
Having a brother who’s a former chef and current beer rep helps. Add a friend, also a chef, with a killer house at the end of a surreal, moss lined winding lane. Add in panoramic views of the Olympic mountains, a beach strewn with oyster shells, and an old timber house with patina of gentility, grace and old, old money. Add it all up and you get the party of all birthday parties.
The house has been in the same family since the early 1900’s. Lovingly cared for with bunks tucked into cozy corners, shelves lined with board games, a stone fireplace, a piano from a bygone era, piles of photo albums, family history. The house breathes conviviality and the moment we arrived it embraced us as we embraced each other.

My friend likes to celebrate her birthday. Last year’s party was a two day Twilight road trip. This gal knows how to have fun and I’m so thankful she’s my friend (not because of the great parties). Her very cool brother created the menu, each dish contained beer and included a beer pairing, even the fabulous red velvet cake.

Birthday Beer Dinner
February 27, 2010
Spicy Cheese and Beer Soup made with Stone Ruination IPA and served with
Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Black IPA
Stone Pale Ale Steamed Mussels, Roasted Peppers, Bay Leaves, and Preserved Lemon served with
Stone Pale Ale
Poached Pears with Mixed Greens, Pecans, Blue Cheese with Stone Levitation Ale Balsamic Vinaigrette served with
Stone Levitation Ale
Chili Roasted Shrimp Marinated in Stone 13th Anniversary Ale with Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Watercress, Mango, Avocado, Citrus and Jalapeno Salsa and served with
Victory Prima Pilsner
Fabulous Red Velvet Cake made with Ayinger Brau Weisse and served with
Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock